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Vi sono alcune nozioni scientifiche che potrebbero aiutare a risolvere il problema dell’ epidemic in progress without reducing us to hunger, without closing the shops, without annihilating people's lives, come invece si sta facendo e che dimostrano come l’azione del governo CONTE2 sia guidata da una forma strana di dilettantismo se non da ignoranza.

In Inghilterra, in the 1960s, it was started, with state funding, a research on cold viruses that led to interesting conclusions. before these studies the world did not even know that colds were caused by several different viruses, one of which is there’ now famous coronavirus that, in its original form, it only causes sneezing and nasal constipation. therefore in ten years of research it was found that:

1) all cold viruses linger in the throat for 24 hours before spreading into’ organism through the’ intestine;

2) in these 24 hours viruses can be killed by substances ranging from virus to virus’ other;

3) the most common cold virus is the rhinovirus (85% of cases)

4) zinc is effective against rhinovirus

5) the zinc to completely kill the rhinovirus must be deposited in the throat very slowly for which some tablets have been patented (denominate “zinc diamonds”) today freely sold on the English and American market which, suck slowly, manage to distribute zinc in the throat very slowly and thus eliminate any cold symptoms within two minutes of the end of the’ hiring (I have been taking them regularly for years and I can guarantee that they are very effective – they can also be bought on the internet at some American sites)

6) no other substances against the coronavirus have been identified because the research at some point was no longer funded.

During these covid epidemics, however, the Chinese have ascertained that the coronavirus dies in contact with the’ alcohol and with chlorine e, For example, Benagol candies (like many other oral disinfectants commonly sold in pharmacies) contain substances derived from’ alcohol and chlorine, but more harmless. so I do not understand where the problem lies or why the ministry of health and the government as a whole have been silent on this important information given that Benagol candies are regularly sold in pharmacies (without prescription) as disinfectants of the oral cavity and adjuvants in’ eliminate infections of the mouth and throat from both viruses and bacteria. however, if it is true that the most effective prevention against contagion is the disinfection of hands and face, it seems to me that it is intuitive that also disinfecting the throat can be useful. l’ information from the English research is that it is very useful if done slowly, very slow release of the active ingredient and WITHIN THE 24 HOURS FROM THE CONTAGION. l’ the only caution to use is to buy Benagol without sugar if you are diabetic and not to give Benagol to children under the age of four due to the risk that the candy could go sideways and cause suffocation. for the rest (apart from any allergies, but there are also people allergic to strawberries) I think they disinfect the throat with these pills, sucking one in the morning and one in the evening (the recommended dose is one every three hours, but it is certainly excessive in order to avoid contagion) can be very effective and cannot make anyone run any risk, especially if the candies intended for children older than 4 years and old people are crumbled into small pieces . But this is only one of the precautions that could profitably be used in place of the lockout. for example there are UVC lamps (completely harmless to the’ man) capable of disinfecting the’ aria al 98% indoors and therefore very useful for sanitizing shops, offices and supermarkets, there are ozone generators capable of sanitizing any surface if left on for 10 minutes in a closed room etc.. etc. these are not secret devices seen and considered that they are commonly used in big industry and that with little money can be purchased by individuals. yet the Italian government has never mentioned it and has never made it the subject of incentives. but the Italian government has never even used television to inform us about the correct behavior to adopt. for example, he has always only issued recommendations on washing his hands frequently without ever adding that a correct disinfection would also include washing the face and that best of all it would be a complete shower (that is, washing your hair too) when you go home. no one remembered that many years ago, there was an attack on the Tokyo subway in which terrorists spread a deadly virus everywhere. it could have been a massacre, but there was not a single victim. many hypotheses were made about the reasons for this great fortune and finally a group of scientists concluded that the success was due to the following habits of the Japanese people:

1) leave close to’ I leave the house the shoes used to go outside and wear a pair of slippers;

2) take a full shower every evening as soon as you return home;

3) staying home with clothes other than those worn outside. these considerations are certainly reliable.

Infatti oggi (18/11/2020) i morti per coronavirus giapponesi sono 1.895 its 126,5 millions of inhabitants, while in Italy the dead are 47.217 about 60 millions of inhabitants. that is, practically in Italy almost fifty times more people die than in Japan. In short, between incompetence, disinformation and amateurism, in the end who pays is alone, as always the Italian people, but apparently no one is ashamed.