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Vegan corner

L ’ potato corner

facade democracy


It seems strange but following these consultations did not hear any commentator attributed the success of the League to the fact that it was of ’ only party and/or political force that has promoted a referendum for the abolition of the law ’ Fornero.

On the contrary, all leaders inflate and pompous to say that what they did was done well, who are ready to start fresh and do not understand that this election result in which he triumphed only one party, the ’ abstaining, is the logical consequence of ’ having imposed the Government mounts and the various and sundry Governments Monti bis, including’ current. By comparing the results of elections of 2008 with those of elections of 2013 and with those of the current regional elections and bearing in mind how only the most significant info about ’ Emilia Romagna, and calculating the percentages not on voters, but on voters, After making due proportion, the Democratic Party is losing altogether the 19,41% going from a percentage of 39,41% of those entitled to vote in the 2008, such a paltry percentage of 20% of those entitled to vote in the 2014. That is the Democratic Party from 2008 at 2014 (that is, during the period in which there have been various Governments Monti, Monti bis, Monti tris) has virtually halved its consensus in the region that was its stronghold. The rest cannot be ignored nor very significant news: It seems that in Emilia Romagna in four or five towns didn't show up to vote any elector. Now it seems clear that in this case l’ abstention was planned and built as a real message to political forces together: “We're tired of voting for the party only. We're tired of living in a country where democracy is only skin deep“. In my opinion the next election policies l’ turnout will be general resulting in total delegitimization of this ruling class.